Wij vroegen Philipp Plein-model Nádia Campos de kleren van het lijf

Het was een eer toen we vorige kerst een gepersonaliseerd en gesigneerd kerstcadeautje kregen van Philipp Plein himself, de bekende Duitse (mode)ontwerper en selfmade man die op sociale media heel graag uitpakt met zijn luxueuze levensstijl, getuige waanzinnige bolides, heerlijke cribs en uiteraard ook een voluptueuze knappe vrouw aan zijn zijde. Dat hij ook voor zijn shows mooie dames cast is een feit. En dat er ook wat kleur mag tussen zitten ook. Zo kwamen we uit bij Nádia Campos, een Angolees model dat verder aan de weg naar de top timmert. Wij zochten ze (virtueel) op en hadden er een tof en open gesprek mee.


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Een bericht gedeeld door Nádia Campos (@nadiacampos24)

Hi Nádia, can you introduce yourself in 5 typical words?
Versatile, spontaneous, stubborn, true and companion!
(veelzijdig, spontaan, eigenwijs, eerlijk en trouw) 

We know you as a model, how did it all start?
It started when I was invited by the owner of the best agency in Angola “Hadjalmar El Vaim”. I was 17 (and still studying) when he saw me. He liked me right away and made me the invitation to join his agency. That’s where it all started.

What was the most epic runway or photoshoot you did?
Definitely that moment I paraded at MFW (Milan Fashion Week) for Philipp Plein, it was surreal. The most epic photo shoot was when I photographed for PATBO.


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Een bericht gedeeld door Nádia Campos (@nadiacampos24)

The big deals in ‘Model World’! Is it correct to say that it is a world full of sex, drugs and rock & roll? Why /why not?

The world itself is full of drugs, sex and rock & roll. It is not necessarily aimed at the fashion industry. The world in general is exposed to all this, it is up to us to make a difference.

Do you have friends in this world or is it all competition?
It’s easy to be a colleague, keep someone company, say what he or she wants to hear. It’s difficult to be a friend for all hours and always tell the truth when necessary. So, deep down, we all know that it’s all about competition.


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Een bericht gedeeld door Nádia Campos (@nadiacampos24)

Can you give tips for starting models?
Yes! Being a model is a long journey but with dedication it is always possible to achieve your goals. We must know what it is like to be a model even in adolescence. Most of the top models conceive their careers before turning 18. This way they undergo a lot of training until they take on bigger jobs in adulthood. One of the most important steps is to find out which area of ​​the profession fits you best. The model life is full of tests so you need a lot of energy and support from your family and friends to face this journey.
Wise words! If we interview you in 5 years, what is your life about?
I have a great interest in discovering what are the challenges that new projects bring. Whether they are professional or personal. Therefore, I can always see myself motivated with the beginning of each project that presents itself in the future.


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Een bericht gedeeld door Nádia Campos (@nadiacampos24)

Talking about a challenge, what is life like during COVID as a model?

It’s difficult. Mainly because the year 2020 was the year that I had the opportunity to travel to Europe and have an opportunity to be able to internationalize my career. But unfortunately, a pandemic made me return to Angola. But the year 2021 has started and it is very hopeful and ready to return to action for Europe and the world.

Fingers crossed! A life as a model is a very busy and mostly lonely life. Do you have time for love? How can a man attract your attention? Seduce?
I’m single!  To attract my attention, a man has to be dynamic (I love men who have a young, adventurous and fearless spirit). He has to be romantic as well. It seems obvious but romance is a crucial point for maintaining a relationship. You also have to pay attention to the small details and of course you also have to know how to seduce.

We note dynamic, romantic, fearless and attentively. Last question before our dreaded quickies. What would you like to say to the world?
Live in a way that your actions are worth remembering.


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Een bericht gedeeld door Nádia Campos (@nadiacampos24)

Amen to that! Before we go…ready for our quickies?
The most expensive item in my closet is: Marc Jacobs perfume.
My favorite design brand is: Everyone! I like all brands of designers.
Each designer enchants me in different ways!
My favorite hotspot is: Nature
Bikini or lingerie? Lingerie.
Money means to me: Comfort and satisfaction for a short period of time.
My final passion is: Nobody (single since always).
This turns me on: Seductive man by nature who is always finding a way to surprise.
I feel most sexy when: I’m on the catwalk, all eyes on me!
The first thing I do when I wake up is: Pick up my phone.
What nobody knows about me is that: I am a Virgin.And with this bombshell, we’re out! Thanks for your time and we wish you a lot of succes in the future! We hope to see you soon on the runway for another Philipp Plein campaign. Philipp, if you read this (sure he will), hire Nádia again! You’ll not regret yourself! 


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Een bericht gedeeld door Nádia Campos (@nadiacampos24)

Cover: Instagram

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